Monday, December 28, 2020

Why 2021 Is The Time to Permanently Delete Your Instagram Account

We can all agree 2020 was a terrible year.   Whether you were working on the frontlines or staying home to stop the spread, 2020 was the year that felt like it WOULD NEVER END.  Every other Instagram post seemed to feature people rediscovering old hobbies or developing new ones as a coping mechanism for too much free time.  

In all seriousness…how many people on Instagram do you know publicly bragged about baking bread for the first time? Bread baking is literally one of the foundations upon which modern society was built, and Kevin from Wisconsin thinks he’s incredible for producing one loaf that doesn’t suck. That alone almost gave us enough reason to deactivate our Instagram accounts. Don’t get us started on the time-lapse yoga videos. 

With the pandemic leading to an increase in working from home (or unfortunately being laid off entirely), the way we use the Internet has changed dramatically.  During the pandemic, we observed an e-commerce boom and a surprising decline in mobile browsing.  We don’t use our smartphones the way we did pre-pandemic because the majority of us are home more often.  

This has shown a surprising change in social media engagement, with less and less people using apps like Instagram and Facebook.   After months of boring bread posts and yoga time-lapses, can you blame them?

The trend of disengaging with social media isn’t new, but it has been growing.  According to the Pew Research Center, in 2018 68 percent of Americans either quit or took a break from social media (i.e. deactivated their Instagram account, deleted Facebook, etc.).  This is for good reason, too. Studies have shown seriously negative side effects of social media, including its highly addictive nature. Researchers are now even linking “Instagram addiction” to mental health risks and even depression!  

Instagram is not only bad for your productivity, but it is also terrible for your health.

2021 is the year to learn how to permanently delete your Instagram account forever!

Instagram Is Making Us Miserable

No one is immune to what is known as the Social Comparison Theory.  As humans, it is our innate drive to constantly compare and evaluate ourselves against others across a various categories like attractiveness, wealth, intelligence, and success.  Instagram, unfortunately, makes it easy to engage in this type of behavior on an unprecedented scale that previously wasn’t possible in society before social media.

On Instagram, we can compare ourselves–our outfits, our home, our careers, our diets, anything about our lives–with dozens or even hundreds of other people in minutes.  It is too easy to become dissatisfied with your own life if you’re constantly looking at someone else’s picture-perfect life. But if you permanently delete your Instagram account, you will effectively be limiting your ability to compare yourself to others. 

Having the ability to compare yourselves to hundreds of people at your fingertips can wreak havoc on your mental health.  But don’t just take it from us.  Psychology Today published an article in 2015 about why comparing yourself to others should be avoided. In the article, they include three main reasons why using social comparisons is wrong.  

The first: what you see is not reality

The incredible vacations, the enviable professional accomplishments, the perfect children and spouses we see on our friends’ Instagram pages are merely a tiny fraction of their actual lives. What you see may be true, but you’re definitely not seeing every aspect of that person’s life.   Most people only post the best and happiest moments of their lives on their social media.  

Instagram photos are usually perfectly filtered and airbrushed in Photoshop, but not before they’ve been expertly detailed and curated for their beauty.   You’re not looking at real life when you look at someone’s Instagram feed. It’s easy to be full of envy when we see photos of our friends with their suntanned family on a tropical vacation. What you don’t see is the financial stress that vacation takes or the pain of whiny kids in a faraway land. Or how sand manages to get EVERYWHERE!

If we knew what someone’s life was REALLY like, and not just what we see on Instagram, we might not feel so bad about our own lives when we compare ourselves to someone’s carefully curated Instagram feed.  

The second reason why social comparisons are wrong: life isn’t fair.

Everyone’s heard it before: life isn’t fair.  Some people are born with more advantages than others, whether it’s a fast metabolism or a perfect nose. When we compare ourselves unfavorably to others, we may beat ourselves up for not trying hard enough, even if hard work had nothing to do with the other person’s successes.  The differences we see, especially on Instagram, usually reflect an uneven playing field.  

Comparing yourself to someone who has had different advantages in life will only cause you pain and anxiety.  Just one scroll through Rich Kids of Instagram will make you wish you disabled your Instagram account yesterday!

If you think about it, Instagram is basically a digital playground for masochists.  

The third reason why social comparisons are wrong: comparisons turn friends and allies into rivals. 

Because we innately compare ourselves to others, it is easy for us to become jealous.  Envy often undermines our ability to truly celebrate the joys and accomplishments of others.  When we use Instagram to compare ourselves to others, even our close friends, it can breed resentment and discontent.  

When you are jealous of someone, it can be challenging to remain friends with them.  If you eventually want to end up bitterly hating all of your friends and allies, Instagram is the social media channel for you! 

If you must make comparisons, Psychology Today recommends considering something called “temporal comparison” instead. The idea is that instead of comparing yourself to someone else, you are comparing yourself to where you were in the past, or to where you want to be in the future.  

This type of comparison helps us structure our goals and troubleshoot, allowing us to focus on self-improvement instead of one-upmanship.   Instagram, by its nature, is the furthest thing from temporal comparison, offering dozens upon dozens of opportunities to compare yourselves to others instantly at your fingertips. If you are struggling with constantly comparing yourself to others, deactivating your Instagram account may be the first step to stopping entirely! 

After the year we’ve had in 2020, the last thing you need to do is spend your energy comparing yourself to others.  If you find yourself mindlessly scrolling on Instagram for hours without joy or purpose, permanently deleting or deactivating your Instagram account should be the first item on your agenda for 2021.  

Are you ready to kill it, delete it, disable it?

How to Permanently Delete Your Instagram Account 

Instagram advises, “When you delete your account, your profile, photos, videos, comments, likes and followers will be permanently removed. If you’d just like to take a break, you can temporarily disable your account instead.”

Before you begin to disable account Instagram recommends that you login and download a copy of your account which includes photos and posts. Once you delete the account the option to download data (the images and posts) disappears.

Start at the  Delete Your Account page from a mobile browser or computer. If you’re not logged into Instagram on the web, you’ll be asked to log in first. You can’t delete your account from within the Instagram app. 

Select an option from the drop-down menu next to Why are you deleting your account? and re-enter your password. The option to permanently delete your account will only appear after you’ve selected a reason from the menu.

Click or tap the button Permanently delete my account.

If you’d like to delete a different account:

Click or tap the username in the top-right of the Delete Your Account page.

Click or tap  gear icon next to the Edit Profile and select Log Out.

Log back in as the account you want to delete and follow the directions above.

After 30 days of your account deletion request, your account and all your information will be permanently deleted from the platform, and you won’t be able to retrieve your information or request download. It may take up to 90 days from the beginning of the deletion process to delete all the things you’ve posted. While we’re deleting this information, it’s not accessible to other people using Instagram.

Copies of your information may remain after the 90 days in backup storage that Instagram uses to recover in the event of a disaster, software error, or other data loss event. Instagram may also keep your information for things like legal issues or privacy issues or privacy concerns, terms violations, or harm prevention efforts. Learn more about this in the Instagram Data Policy.

The post Why 2021 Is The Time to Permanently Delete Your Instagram Account appeared first on BuySellShoutouts.


Sunday, November 29, 2020

How to Increase Instagram Engagement in 2021

Find Your Niche

First, you need to establish your niche. Your Instagram account must focus on something specific that will attract the right audiences. Common examples include:

  • Travel
  • Family
  • Home decor
  • Cooking or baking
  • Fitness
  • Tiny homes

Are you going to have a creator account or business account? If you’re a small business, your niche should already be established. Then, it’s all about defining your brand.

Post Regularly

Like all social media platforms, Instagram uses algorithms to help users find the content that’s most appropriate for them. They use their history and searches to dictate what comes up in their feed. 

To stay relevant and adhere to one of the most basic IG algorithms, you need to publish Instagram posts regularly. Your account must be constantly updated. We recommend posting once a day or at least three times a week. 

Spend Time on the App

Instagram doesn’t want to become a business-only platform. As such, if business accounts log on, post content, then log off immediately, the algorithm won’t make them a top priority. They will see that you’re just using the app to grow your business. 

Instead, spend time on the app. Before and after posting, spend about 20 minutes perusing your feed, exploring new content, and engaging on other people’s profiles.

Take Amazing Photos

If you have any experience on Instagram, you know it’s all about aesthetics. Instagram was designed to focus on imagery such as photos and videos. Therefore, learning how to increase Instagram engagement means learning how to take and edit amazing photos.

Unify Your Feed

Having great photos isn’t quite enough, however. You need to think about your Instagram feed from a bigger perspective. When someone clicks on your profile and can see your entire wall, how will it come off?

You need to unify your feed by coming up with a look or brand for all of your pictures. A follower should be able to spot one of your photos and immediately know it’s yours based on the colors, filter, angles, layout, and more.

Publish Stories 

As noted above, you must stay active on your Instagram profile to remain relevant. However, posting multiple times a day on your primary feed can actually hurt your engagement and visibility. 

To combat this, create stories in the form of videos, images, and text. You can keep followers more up to date using stories without sabotaging your engagement.  

Create Instagram Reels

Because of the wild success of TikTok, Instagram has created its own version of short video clips called Reels. Use IG Reels to create fun videos for your followers. They can be used to display your products, highlight your services, or show people clips of your daily life.  

Engage With Your Audience

Another important step in learning how to increase Instagram engagement is responding and communicating with your followers. Instagram likes to see that you engage back with people who comment on your Instagram posts and stories or send you messages. 

This is also good for finding affiliate companies to sponsor you or pay you as an influencer. Just as importantly people will be less likely to unfollow you if you spend time forming a relationship with them.

Invest in IG Growth Companies

Sometimes, gaining followers and getting likes on Instagram can be incredibly difficult. For example, if you have an extremely specific niche, finding the right audience can be slow going. Alternatively, if your niche is a popular one, you may have trouble standing out in an oversaturated market. 

Fortunately, there are engagement groups designed to help people struggling to grow their accounts gain followers. You can work with these companies to gain more likes, follows, shoutouts, and more.

Use the Right Hashtags

Getting your Instagram posts and stories in front of the right audience is about using relevant hashtags. At the end of each post, you can list up to 30 hashtags.

These are the keywords people use to find content. The Instagram algorithm also uses these hashtags to suggest content for people on the explore page.

Be careful not to use hashtags with millions and millions of likes, as your content will get lost in the crowd. Similarly, avoid using hashtags with only a few thousand likes, or as it’s unlikely to gain you any visibility.  

Tag the Right Accounts

Along with using the right hashtags, you’ll also want to tag the right accounts. This is especially important if you’re trying to get reposted on bigger profiles. 

For example, if you only have a few thousand followers, getting reposted on an account with hundreds of thousands of followers will expand your audience based and lead to more followers. 

Use CTAs

Figuring out how to increase Instagram engagement means learning how to point people in the right direction. Whether you’re publishing Instagram posts or stories, always use a call to action. 

A CTA can lead users to other parts of your Instagram. It can also lead people to your website so they can buy your products or services. 

Want More Tips on How to Increase Instagram Engagement?

Growing your account and learning how to increase Instagram engagement isn’t always easy. The IG influencers out there with tens of thousands of followers or more treat it like a job. The more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it. 

But if you’re looking for an edge up on the competition, we recommend looking into growth companies to buy Instagram likes, followers, and mentions. Check out the rest of our site to see what we offer. 

The post How to Increase Instagram Engagement in 2021 appeared first on BuySellShoutouts.


Sunday, November 1, 2020

Top 5 Tips for Reaching Instagram Fame

Instagram is truly one of the best social media platforms today. Not only is it a great platform for sharing photos and videos, but it also a haven for marketing and growing an online presence.

If you use Instagram, you probably follow many famous profiles. These are profiles of artists, models, entertainers, athletes, activists, and other prominent individuals who create and share engaging content with their followers — sometimes in the tens of thousands, and sometimes in the millions.

So how do you achieve Instagram fame? Do you crave to one day be on the same level as these Instagram celebrities whom you admire?

All You Need to Know About Achieving Instagram Fame

All You Need to Know About Achieving Instagram Fame

Before you jump into the tips, you have to first consider your equipment. If you are serious about becoming Instagram famous, you need to make sure that you are using the best quality camera phone for your photos and videos.

You should also invest in a portable external hard drive where you can store all of your content. You will have to share more content than usual and you must have a backup where you can store this content.

Once this is sorted, here are the top tips to achieving Instagram fame:

Growing Your Followers

Growing Your Followers for instagram fame

The first step on how to become Instagram famous is to gain more followers. The journey on how to gain Instagram followers is a lengthy one, so you have to be patient.

The first thing is to produce content on a regular basis. Take a look at your current layout of content. What is the average gap between posts? Is it 2 days? 1 Week? Do you ever go months without posting? If you don’t post on a consistent basis, you can expect to gradually lose followers.

You should also consider, if you wish to expedite this process, of buying followers. While this is often shunned and discouraged by many other marketing guides, it can be very helpful in promoting your profile and growing your network of followers.

Show Yourself

show yourself for instagram fame

To achieve Instagram fame, you have to make your face familiar to your followers. Wherever possible, make sure the majority (if not all) of your content shows your face.

On occasion, you might have photos of others, of objects, or of something unrelated to the theme of your profile. However, to be successful you should be the focal point of the majority of your content.

If you have a group photo where you are standing in the corner of the group and another where you are standing in the center, only the second one should be posted.

Focus on Your Bio

Focus on Your Bio for instagram fame

Your profile’s bio should be regularly updated and written with care. Your bio should describe who you are, your achievements, a unique personality trait or taste, what your mission is, and a Call To Action to click on your link.

For example, a travel blogger might write their Instagram bio as follows:

  • Writer, 190 Countries So Far, Luxury Traveler (1st Line; Profession, Achievement, Taste)
  • Love to explore cultures (2nd Line, Mission Statement)
  • Currently in: Japan
  • Email me/Call Me: XXXXXXXX
  • Follow my travels: (This is the last line that works as the Call To Action and is above the link)

The link should be to your website, YouTube channel (or latest video), OnlyFans, or to a LinkTree (or similar service), or to a product/service landing page.


use captions to help gain instagram fame

You have to give importance to the captions included with your posts. These are meant to give further insight into your content. These should also serve to encourage your followers to share your post with others.

For example, around election season many Instagram celebrities and influencers will post an image or video relating to the voting process, or whom they are voting for. In the caption, they will discuss the importance and privilege of voting. If advocating for a particular politician/policy the caption will explain why they chose to vote this way.

The caption will end with encouraging (Call To Action) others to exercise their right to vote. This is the model that your captions have to follow.

You should also use as many hashtags as you can. Make sure you master how to properly use hashtags so you can use them to gain attention to your posts. 


use engagement to gain instagram fame

If you want to achieve Instagram fame, you have to make yourself accessible to your followers. What distinguishes a social media celebrity from a traditional celebrity is the barrier between followers and the celebrity.

Most of us can only fantasize about engaging with a traditional celebrity. With an Instagram celebrity, it should be expected whenever possible.

For example, if you reach a milestone — such as acquiring 1,000 followers you should make a post thanking your followers. They will feel that you are speaking to them directly.

If you get a new follower, you might want to consider sending them a welcoming ‘thank you’ direct message.

If you receive comments on your posts, make sure to respond to them when you can. For example, Instagram models often reply with a thank you message when they receive a compliment on their looks.

You can use the ‘Questions’ feature on your Instagram stories so that your followers can answer your question that you post to them. You can share their answers to your story to make them feel special.

You want to think carefully about responding to haters and trolls. The more popular you get, the greater the likelihood that you’ll come across these unpleasant individuals.

The best thing is to ignore them. If you can come up with a sly remark or rebuttal, then go for it. But best is to not waste your energy.

Journey to Fame

 you are on your journey to fame with instagram fame

Now that you know the top tips for achieving Instagram fame, you can begin your journey to fame. Make sure that you spend time each day creating content, engaging with your followers, and enhancing your profile.

It will be a long journey, but if you follow these tips you will achieve Instagram fame and you’ll never look back!

If you want to promote your brand, business, or product on another Instagram profile, we can help you get a shoutout!

The post Top 5 Tips for Reaching Instagram Fame appeared first on BuySellShoutouts.


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Creator vs Business: Which Instagram Account Type is Right For You?

business instagram account being viewed by an instagram creator

There are over a billion users on Instagram, making it one of the best platforms to advertise on. 

Yet you still have to make the decision if you want a business Instagram account or a creator account. Each has benefits for your business; you just have to decide what’s going to help you out the most. 

You want to know how to make the most money on Instagram, either with a creator or business account. Here’s a guide that can help you decide between a creator or a business Instagram account. 

What Are the Benefits of a Creator Instagram Account? 

Creator Instagram accounts are best for influencers, athletes, or an artist, or something similar. You have more control over your account than if you had a business Instagram account. 

You have access to more data and many new followers you are accumulating each day. You can also see the age and gender of your followers. 

Another feature of creator accounts is that you categorize your inbox. You can choose between general, primary, and requests. 

Another benefit of the creator account is that they also have more CTA options. You also have your specialty listed under your account, which helps people identify what you do. 

You can also tag businesses in a post, and you can create shoppable posts, where people can make a purchase when they see it on their newsfeed. 

If you want to get a head start on generating followers, you can purchase them here.

What are the Benefits of a Business Instagram Account? 

Business accounts are little different creator accounts. They are designed for small and large businesses rather than celebrities and influences. 

A business Instagram account gives you insight into your demographics and weekly insight into follows or unfollows you each week. 

In addition, you can connect your business Instagram account to your Facebook business account. It shows people how to find you on social media. 

Another benefit of a business Instagram account is that you can make your post ads so a wider audience can see them. You can also add links to your website on Instagram stories that way you have a higher click-through rate. 

You can also schedule posts, so you don’t have to worry about posting yourself each day. You can schedule something from the beginning of the week and set it out for weeks. 

Which One Should You Choose? 

When it comes to a business Instagram account or a creator’s Instagram account, they both of their benefits. You should know what you are trying to accomplish on Instagram and which one can offer you the most benefits. 

If you are an individual, you should consider a creator account. If you are a business, you should consider a business Instagram account that helps you grow your audience and give you insight into what kind of audience is following you. 

If you have more questions about which Instagram account you should choose, you contact us here or checkout this article for a different perspective on Instagram Creator Accounts Causing Big Change for Influencer Engagement.

The post Creator vs Business: Which Instagram Account Type is Right For You? appeared first on BuySellShoutouts.


Monday, August 31, 2020

Don’t Let Your Brand Be #Instafooled

The fact remains that as the population increases so is the demand for products and services to sustain it.

However, the attempt to capture the hearts of the consumers is increasingly becoming a huge struggle.

This situation also makes the demand for originality amongst products and services high.

So, there are many products and services struggling to become the favorites of the few available markets.

This makes the job of the brands and their advertising partners even more onerous. Read the article, you will love it, and have something you want to share? Get in touch, we value your suggestions. Need to understand more about Instagram followers? Visit BuySellShoutouts website for related ideas.

Don't Let Your Brand Be #Instafooled

Don’t Let Your Brand Be #Instafooled

In the present day digital world, you actually cannot achieve much in marketing, sales, and advertising if you ignore the social media.

This is where the crowd lies.

Of course, to create company profiles that will elicit the number of followers enough for you to advertise is very difficult.

So, you will always need the services of the social media influencers.

This includes celebrities and popular people who have the huge following that you need and who will in turn recommend your products and services to their followers.

The good thing about using influencers is that they have actually become cult heroes and models, and most of their followers try to emulate their entire lifestyle.

This includes trying out the products and services they use.

These influencers are mostly found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and other social media.

Don't Let Your Brand Be #Instafooled

The Problem with Being #Instafooled

However, there is a problem with the use of influencers for marketing.

Many influencer accounts have been found to have fake followers.

In some other cases, the followers may be completely disengaged.

In fact, a recent survey confirmed this.

When 10,000 global influencer profiles were sampled, 15% of the followers were discovered to be fake and disengaged.

This is to say that as much as a fifth of their fans are not real.

So, you will not be getting the audience you are targeting with them.


Why You Must Keep Faith in Influencer Marketing

Now, many of the social media sites like Facebook are coming up with several methods of scrutinizing and deleting fake accounts.

But even if this was not the case, firms should not be deterred from the concept of influencer marketing.

This is because the social media keeps growing by the day, with more subscribers trooping in every minute.

The number of people that make use of the products recommended by influencers also grows.

As of 2016, Instagram reported having 14 million followers from the UK. But this rose to 21 million in 2018.

The same country had 21% of its smartphone users on Snapchat by 2016.

But this has increased to 25% by 2018.

A study also indicates that as much as 57% of internet users purchase products online after reading reviews on the social media.

In the Asia Pacific, for instance, there was a doubling of the number of people that make use of Snapchat and Instagram from 2014 to 2016.

The Snapchat number grew from 8% to 15%, while that of Instagram grew from 22% to 39%.

Another important thing that came out of the research is that this population is not only made up of the young ones.

It was found out that one-third of the people between the ages of 55 and 65, who make use of the internet in that region, are also on Instagram.

In Singapore, for instance, 40% of the people between 16 and 25 have said that they believe the things that people say online about products and services.

So, the effect of social media influencers is very much real and positive.

Don’t Let Your Brand Be #Instafooled, but do not abandon the use of influencer marketing completely but seek for ways to get the best out of it.


How Not to Be #Instafooled

In the bid to ensure that you are getting the best of what you pay for, you have to follow three major steps.

Don't Let Your Brand Be #Instafooled

The first one is to make sure you engage in local marketing.

Search for those talents that are relevant in their location.

You should understand the difference between bigger and better, because the former may not translate into the latter.

The smaller influencers likely have fewer followers too.

However, their engagement with their audience, their relevance, and the loyalty they command may be much bigger and stronger.

In some cases, the consumers prefer being told about trendy brands in their local parlance, and this can only be achieved by local influencers.

Engage in a very solid scrutiny of the account of any influencer you wish to work with.

Investigate their account and go only with those that elicit solid and real engagement from the followers.

Most times, this will depend on how their audience was built.

Judge them according to the content that inspires the followership.

If it is of high quality, then you are in the right hands, but if it is a mere volume, run.

The same thing will translate into your brand, mere numbers and no conversation.

Lastly, ensure that there is something natural or something that connects the influencer with your brand.

With this, you will see the influencer promoting a product that is related to their values.

If you have an influencer advertising a product that is connected to what they built the audience with, the affinity will simply be a natural one.

Here, they will become more creative and it will skyrocket the publicity, resulting in the best result ever.



Nika Goddard

Psychologist, writer-freelancer, traveler and just creative person, lover of world cultures, languages, food, wild spaces and urban places by nature.




The post Don’t Let Your Brand Be #Instafooled appeared first on BuySellShoutouts.


Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Instagram Followers

image of man holding smartphone - The Do's and Don'ts of Buying Instagram Followers

Do you dream of becoming a famous Instagram influencer? Or are you trying to add credibility and grow your business?

Either way, buying Instagram followers can help you gain some serious traction. But you have to do it carefully! Fail to follow best practices and you could end up causing more harm than good.

Check out our simple guide to the dos and don’ts of buying followers – the right way!

Don’t Buy Fake Followers

There are many poor-quality services that will try to sell you fake followers. This is a big mistake!

Since they’re not real, these followers won’t engage with your page at all. It’s a waste of time and creates serious dangers.

It’s estimated that fake followers cost advertisers a whopping $1.3 billion a year! Brands are well aware of this and commonly blacklist accounts that are caught using fake followers. Even worse, Instagram may suspend your account. 

Find a Reputable Supplier

So, you know not to buy fake followers, but then what should you do? Look for a service that provides you with realactive followers. Real follows may cost a bit more, but it’s well worth it.

Some less reputable companies will dump a bunch of fake followers in your account. Besides the issues previously mentioned, when you use a sub-par company, the followers will appear obviously fake.

Some of the red flags to look for include:

  • Usernames that are just a mash-up of letters and numbers
  • Users that only have a few posts and/or no stories
  • Users with photos that are completely random

When it’s obvious you’re buying fake followers, your brand will immediately lose credibility.

So, do yourself a favor. Before you purchase a service, do some research to find out exactly what they’re going to provide and how they do it. If it doesn’t feel like it’s on the up-and-up, move on!

Decide on Bulk vs. Drip         

When you purchase your followers, most companies allow you to choose either bulk or drip delivery. Bulk delivery occurs when all of your new followers are linked to your account at once. Drip delivery, on the other hand, will slowly add a few followers a day until you reach the number you’ve purchased. 

In most cases, drip is a safer option. This will help you avoid having your account flagged for having a big spike in followers.

Focus on Organic Growth

While buying Instagram followers is a great way to start getting attention for your account, you don’t want to stop there. The most successful Instagram accounts focus on organic growth.

Make sure you’re consistently posting valuable content. Know who your target audience is and what they want to see. Then deliver it.

Also, don’t just “set-it and forget-it.” You’ll find far more success if you take the time to actually engage with your followers.

Make sure you’re tracking your results, too. This is the best way to find out what’s working and what isn’t so you can make adjustments along the way as needed.

Ready to Start Buying Instagram Followers?

Now that you know the dos and don’ts of buying Instagram followers, you’re ready to get started! We have many different programs to help you buy followers, likes, mentions, and shout-outs!

Growing your Instagram is easy with BuySell Shoutouts by your side! Get started now.

The post The Do’s and Don’ts of Buying Instagram Followers appeared first on BuySellShoutouts.


Monday, August 24, 2020

How To Find Nano Influencers on Instagram, YouTube and More

In recent times, the need to be a world-known celebrity to affect consumer buying behavior has long passed us by.

With many of the posts we see on Instagram, today’s modern customers are beginning to trust real and authentic personalities more than ever.

For this reason, it’s no wonder that ‘nano-influencers’ campaigns are growing day by day!

But where do you find them? In this article, we are going to explore how to find nano-influencers on YouTube, Instagram, and more!

Let’s start by looking at the quick takeaway.

How to find Nano Influencers on Instagram and YouTube? By connecting with local bloggers, those with a low number of followers between 1000 and 5000, and also by using your own fanbase, you can connect with nano-influences for your Facebook and Instagram accounts. Platform-specific Using analytic tools can also help discover influencers.

Or you could simply buy some shout outs relevant to your industry here.

Now let’s delve a little deeper into the details after we’ve seen the bite-sized answer and begin by looking at exactly what a nano-influencer really is!

What’s a Nano-Influencer?

According to a recent study, Instagram has a huge number of followers and by 2023, the users are projected to surpass 988 million. It’s for this reason that Instagram is one of the most popular social platforms worldwide.

With YouTube having a staggering two billion users worldwide, it’s clearly a really important platform to make sure you have influence and dominate your niche.

So what are nano-influences and how can they help bring more customers to your business?

A nano-influencer is defined as someone with social followings ranging from 1,000 to 5,000.

Content creators

These smaller marketing gurus are usually described as great content creators who have a particular voice, skill, or expertise in a niche area and the newest emerging tier of digital influencers.

Such influencers are especially beneficial to brands due to their particular interests and appeal to a specific audience.

In addition, they have managed to find a sweet spot in terms of engagement.

More followers, less engagement

It appears that once web influencers surpass a certain number of followers, usually greater than 10,000, they tend to see an overall decrease in their engagement rates.

Likes, comments, shares take a nosedive as more and more followers join the party.

According to experts, those with around less than a thousand followers or less are more likely to receive interaction from at least 10% of their followers and fans.

So of course, it’s easy to see why many businesses large and small are turning to the nightly power of the small guy!

“A nano-influencer is defined

 as someone with social followings ranging from 1,000 to 5,000”.

So let’s now take a look below at why these supercharged mini influencers could see an increase in customers.

Why Nano-influencers?

  • Cheaper marketing Other than their higher engagement rate, nano-influencers are typically less expensive for brands as compared to their more famous counterparts.
  • Greater influence It’s also worth noting that a large number of consumers are highly likely to follow recommendations made by a nano-influencer as compared to recommendations from average people.
  • Everyday services and products Nano-influencers have become champions for the more common and everyday services and products that might not be at the top of the list for many to discuss
  • Targeted The recommendations from nano-influencers are much more targeted and direct, along with being specific to the interests of those who already follow them.

Competitive edge

Brands tend to underestimate the power of influencers with a small fan following. However, for your business, this strategy could be a real edge over your competition.

Nano-influencers occupy a real undisputed space currently in the world of marketing. In most cases, you certainly wouldn’t be looking at any ads from your competition on a nano influencers Instagram account.

Less competition

Your sponsored post is very likely to be the first advertisement on their account. You also need to keep in mind that these influencers need more control and help from your side. Since they are rather new in this field, they may need your guidance and advice.

Give them freedom

Provide them with a detailed brief, but try not to overburden them with strict requirements regarding their way of communicating with their audience.

If you do so, their followers will immediately realize that their posts are false and unnatural. On the other hand, it’s a chance for you to grow a perfect army of ambassadors for your product and services.

Nano-influencers are growing faster than other groups of creators. Within a few months, they can become your loyal nano-influencers, and some of them might even grow to become micro-influencers within a few years.

“Nano-influencers are growing

faster than other groups of creators’

Ok, so now we understand how this group of mini celebs are able to increase your customers base and drive traffic to your Instagram and YouTube account, but where do you find them?

How to find Nano-influencers

Finding Instagram influencers that are ideal for your brand’s goals from a business point of view can seem like a very difficult task with such a large number of influencers to choose from.

Get organized with a CRM

If your company is not already utilizing a CRM system to help gather all this data, then it is advised that you consider doing so.

Using a tool or software to gather information on your audience will be of great help when trying to grow that audience to a greater scale.

Browse your audience like pages

You can also browse through your audience’s liked pages on social media, and make use of common interests to help shape audience personas to your desired target.

If any of your existing followers or fans themselves have a large following on social platforms, then consider it an added bonus.

Personally reach out to them and begin by suggesting an exchange of product for a review or post on their account. If the relationship turns out to be a mutually beneficial one, then you can build out a more robust program from there.

“Your current fan base is a great place to start since you already know a connection exists”


The main purpose of hashtags is to make content on social networks more accessible and searchable.

Using Instagram analytics tools that are free of cost can further help simplify your nano-influencer search process.

Using keywords that are relevant to your business will help pinpoint conversations that will guide you towards your target audience.

When choosing a hashtag to search, make sure that it’s specific enough to yield significant results. For instance, if you happen to be a plus-size clothing brand, a hashtag search around #plussizefashion is more likely to yield better material than the simple hashtag #fashion.

Running such a type of search on Google will yield results from a variety of sources, including Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram.

Running a direct search on these platforms or through platform-specific third-party tools can prove to be more beneficial.

Connect With Local Bloggers

Social media platforms such as Instagram have essentially become blogging platforms for those looking to create content.

These networks also function as add-ons to further promote and bring blog content to life.

Bloggers in your nearby areas can also serve as a great resource for local businesses.

Specific keyword searches that include location are a good starting point. If we follow the previous example, then instead of searching for “fashion bloggers in LA”, a more specific search like “plus-size fashion bloggers in LA” is more likely to yield the desired niche results.

There are many tools available to measure SEO for each blog, which is a crucial indicator of engagement and visibility. In addition to these tools, you can turn to influencer marketing platforms designed to help you find the right nano-influencers for your product.


When used properly, influencer marketing provides authentic, far-reaching, trusted, and affordable brand advocates who can help connect your brand to the consumers most likely to purchase them.

However, always be selective when looking for influencers best suited to speak on behalf of your company and brand.

 Before jumping into the influencer market, there are a few things your brand should consider. First and foremost, why does your brand want to use influencers in the first place?

Sales may be the ultimate end goal but it’s important to have realistic expectations and specific goals.

Building brand awareness

Perhaps you’re a new company wanting to build brand awareness or have a product in need of testimonials and reviews to boost credibility. Or maybe you want to move specific pieces of product fast, and would like to opt for the route of promotional codes and discounts?

Whatever the reason might be, it is essential to have a specific goal in mind that you can measure against when judging campaign success.

Not all businesses have fully discovered the advantages of working with nano-influencers yet.

On the other hand, many industry innovators tend to be actively collaborating with nano-influencers, so make sure your business has a competing edge and look to ‘small power’ to build your business.

And finally…

So that’s everything you needed to know about the power of nano-Influencers!

Looking to get an instagram shout out? Or looking to increase your instagram followers, likes, or accounts? Then check our services and start now. Or, if you’re looking to sell Instagram shout outs then why not get in touch with us.

The post How To Find Nano Influencers on Instagram, YouTube and More appeared first on BuySellShoutouts.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Is Buying An Instagram Shoutout Worth It To Grow Your Brand?

Illustration of young man yelling "Get Your Instagram Shoutout"

Is Buying An Instagram Shoutout Worth It To Grow Your Brand?

Social media has become an incredibly competitive landscape. It’s not just about sharing your thoughts and photos with friends anymore. Now, social media is about advertising your brand, getting your name out there, and getting yourself seen in a sea of millions.

This can be hard to do, which is why many buy an Instagram shoutout to boost their brand. But are Instagram shoutouts worth it? Let’s take a look.

What Is an Instagram Shoutout?

When you buy an Instagram shoutout, you’re paying for an account with an established follower-base to shoutout your account.

This is essentially like buying an advertisement. The account might shoutout a product of yours, a specific post, or just hype you up to their followers. The idea is that their followers will take interest in your account and click through to it.

Shoutouts can happen through Instagram Stories, a traditional post, or even a video or Reel. It all depends on how much you pay, and what you want to pay for.

Are Instagram Shoutouts Worth It?

Many people are wary of buying shoutouts. They’re not sure how effective it is, or how to maximize the effectiveness. This is unfortunate, because there are tons of benefits to buying Instagram shoutouts.

Grow Your Brand & Stand Out

If you’re just starting out on Instagram, whether you’re a wannabe social media influencer or a small business owner, gaining followers can feel impossible.

A shoutout from a good brand in a similar business as yours can do wonders for growing your brand. The more followers you have, the more trustworthy your brand appears. That means more people are going to follow your page, knowing it’s something others are already behind.

In this way, a shoutout can help your brand stand out among the millions of others doing similar things.

Boost Engagement

The more followers you have interacting with your posts, the more Instagram will promote your page.

Buying a shoutout attracts more followers, which attracts more likes and comments. This increases the legitimacy of your brand, and gives you favor in Instagram’s eyes. Just make sure you get a shoutout from an account with compatible followers to increase your chances of hooking them.

Create Associations

The most important part of buying a shoutout is finding just the right person to shout you out.

The best tactic is to choose an active account with lots of followers in a similar niche as you. Not only does this increase your follower chance, but it also creates brand association.

New followers from the shoutout will forever associate your brand with the account that shouted you out, and this can be a great thing. They already trust the account that shouted you, so why not trust you? The more positive brand associations, the more legitimate your business appears.

It’s Time to Gain Followers

With the right Instagram shoutout from the right account, you can find great success for your brand. Whether you’re just starting out, struggling to get seen, or just need some positive associations, don’t hesitate to buy an Instagram shoutout today.

Click here to learn more about buying Instagram shoutouts from BuySell Shoutouts.

The post Is Buying An Instagram Shoutout Worth It To Grow Your Brand? appeared first on BuySellShoutouts.


Monday, July 27, 2020

Does Instagram Show You Active on Facebook? Answers and Options!

According to experts, Instagram users are set to increase massively to a whopping 117.2 million U.S. users in 2021.

If you’re a business either big or small who want to take advantage of this social platform, you might be wondering how it works alongside your other social media.

In this article, we are going to discover whether Instagram shows you as active on Facebook with your user account.

Before we get into the details, let’s start with the short takeaway answer, so you can get moving straight away and understand your social media online visibility a little better.

Does Instagram show you active on Facebook? Even though you can connect your Facebook to Instagram and vice versa, when sharing photos and other posts, it does not mean that they’re connected for every functionality. You can only be active on one platform at a time. In order to be seen as active or online, you need to open the app and use it.

So now we’ve looked at the brief answer, let’s delve a little deeper and start by looking a bit more at the background of this important social marketing tool – so we can understand more as to how both Facebook and Instagram work “together” in terms of your visibility.


Instagram is one of the most popular social media apps today.

This social media application owned by Facebook is focused on sharing photos, videos, and connecting with friends and family.

This social media platform makes great strides in terms of protecting the user experience.

Instagram is now working a little more like Facebook Messenger, thanks to a new Show Activity Status option that’s just recently been rolled out.

So are you shown as active on Facebook and Instagram? Let’s look below and find out.

Am I shown as active on Facebook and Instagram?

Am I shown as active on Facebook and Instagram?

If you use Facebook Messenger, then you would be well aware that Messenger shows when you are online and last active.

Due to an added feature, Instagram has now started doing the same thing.

Can I turn off my visibility on Instagram?

Can I turn off my visibility on Instagram?

However, although the new option is enabled by default in Instagram’s settings menu, you can easily turn it off. This is something you can’t do in Messenger.

The important thing to remember when you’re active on Instagram is that as Facebook is an entirely different platform, it will not show you as active.

If you use Facebook Messenger, you know that it shows when you’re online and last active. Now, Instagram does the same thing.

However, although the new option is enabled by default on Instagram’s settings menu, you can turn this off, which is something you can’t do in Messenger.

Here’s how to hide your activity status on Instagram, plus how to tell if someone is online.

How do I know someone is online on social media?

How do I know someone is online on social media?


To check when someone was last active on Instagram, you will need to visit your DMs where it will give the person’s name and when they were last online.

This feature would tell you the exact minutes when a person was last active on the app, but then rounds the figure when it goes over an hour.

For example, if you were online 56 minutes ago, it would say exactly that. However, if you were online an hour and a half ago it would say active one hour ago.

This makes it a little less precise as compared to WhatsApp, for example.

When this feature is tested it can take up to four minutes for the active now listing to change to active 4 mins ago

This means that the feature is accurate when it updates, but is slow to actually change when you are not active.

How do I know someone is online on Facebook


It is a commonly known fact that Facebook Messenger’s last seen notifications are not accurate.

Mainly because it is thought if you leave the app or site open, it will still show you as being active now even though you are not physically browsing within it.

Many say that status isn’t accurate at all. Anecdotal evidence claims that many Facebook users are online even when their devices have been switched off or put away to charge.

This feature also only works in whole hours, so if you were active two and a half hours ago it would round the figure to active two hours ago. 

A quick test reveals that Facebook is extremely slow at updating its last seen feature.

It was revealed that when people came off the app and closed it completely, it can take around five minutes for the active status to change to active XYZ isn’t completely accurate.

If you want to know exactly when somebody was last online on their phone then Instagram is overall the most accurate …followed by Facebook Messenger.

So now we’ve seen that Instagram most reliably shows online visibility, you might be wondering if you can disable the Active Now status. Let’s take a look and find out.

How to disable the Active Now status on Instagram

How to disable the Active Now status on Instagram

Even though the last seen or last active feature on Instagram seems quite useful and harmless, some people think of it as a privacy breach.

Nobody likes to talk about Internet stalking but we all have to acknowledge that it exists. Instagram is a social place with millions of daily users. It is bound to attract some stalkers, as well as people who don’t have a great sense of boundaries!

Unfortunately, these people won’t hesitate to use your ‘Active Now’ status against you, calling you rude for not replying and won’t seem to understand you have a life outside your online world.

Miscommunications are also frequent on this platform. People are often eager to engage in communication with a person who does not feel the same way at the moment. It can be difficult to get out of responding to messages, even if you like the person on the other end.

If you feel that way too, you can disable this option entirely. However, keep in mind that if you do this you won’t see other people’s activity status either.

Here are the steps to follow in case you want to disable the Active Now feature:

  • Go to your profile.
  • You will see a circle-shaped Settings icon. Tap on it.
  • Select Privacy and Security
  • Tap on the activity status
  • It will say Show Activity Status and you can disable it here.

You will notice that this option is set to be ‘On’ by default. It may be a little worrying to realize that this feature is on without your consent, given that it concerns your privacy.

Should I turn this feature off?

Should I turn this feature off?

This is your call to make. You can decide to live on with this option enabled and receive messages whenever you’re online, or you can disable it and stay private.

Understanding your privacy options will make you better prepared to protect what others see in regards to your online activity.

And finally…

So there you have it! Everything you need to know about whether your activity on your Instagram feed can be seen by the online world!

If you are looking to promote your brand or business and tell your story to a wealth of potential new customers, look no further!

We can help you spread the word and put your business in the spotlight.

Tell your story with us and get published on the most popular websites such as:

  • Google News
  • ABC
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  • Market Watch
  • Fox News Affiliates
  • Online News Partners
  • Digital Journal
  • Plus
  • And more!

The post Does Instagram Show You Active on Facebook? Answers and Options! appeared first on BuySellShoutouts.


Wednesday, June 24, 2020

7 Useful Tips on How to Grow Instagram Followers

There are more than 1 billion active monthly users on Instagram, and the social network’s reach continues to grow.

If you’re hoping to boost your Instagram presence and reach a bigger audience, then there are specific strategies you can implement. Follow these seven tips to grow Instagram followers on your page.

photo of women working on her smart phone to learn useful tips on how to grow Instagram followers

Write Out a Strategy

Before you get started on your plan to grow Instagram followers, it’s important to create a strategy for your page. Whether you’re sharing your overall lifestyle, focusing on fashion, or promoting a brand, you should know your account’s true purpose.

This can help you figure out how to make the most of your content. Some things to consider are your audience, the value you’re bringing to your followers, and how frequently you’re planning to post.

Create Strong Captions

Wondering how to get more Instagram likes and followers? 

Most Instagram users value authenticity over almost anything else. When writing your captions, be real with your audience and write in a voice that feels true to you.

Don’t be afraid to write longer captions. They’re a great place to provide context for posts and engage with your community.

Grow Instagram Followers With Good Content

Beautiful, eye-grabbing photos are an important part of how to gain an audience on Instagram. 

But although photos are important, don’t forget other types of content. Live videos and Instagram Stories are other crucial ways to engage fans and provide valuable content.

Choose Your Hashtags Wisely

Strategically using hashtags can help make more people aware of your content. Hashtags can also make your posts easier to find.

It’s important not to overdo it by overloading your posts with too many hashtags, including ones that might not be relevant to your page. Try to aim for five to 10 hashtags per post.

Be Active Online

If you’re looking for tips on how to gain an audience, one good strategy to follow is being active. You should be posting consistently and keeping an eye on which times of the day encourage the most engagement.

You should also respond to comments quickly on your Instagram account and interact with your followers as much as possible.

Collaborate With Your Community

Working with other influencers can boost your standing in the Instagram community and help you grow Instagram followers. You can work with others to cross-promote pages and reach a new audience.

You can also look into purchasing a shoutout to get your page posted on a popular account.

Try Out a Contest or Two

One way to encourage engagement and for Instagram users to follow your account is by hosting giveaways and other contests.

As part of the contest rules, you can ask that people interested in entering leave comment on your post and follow you. They can tag a friend, introducing your page to a wider audience.

Boost Your Instagram Presence

Now that you know the best strategies to grow Instagram followers, you can start to expand your online influence. 

For more tips on making the most out of your Instagram presence, check out our follower building services.

The post 7 Useful Tips on How to Grow Instagram Followers appeared first on BuySellShoutouts.
